
Welcome to CVlizeYour Resume Builder

Make your resume stick out from the myriad others that recruitment officers receive and review on a daily basis.

How? Our browsermés will do the trick for you. Unique, fun and impressive.

Check the Learn More section for detailed information.

FeedbackShare what you like or dislike

We are always on the lookout for improvements and critique. Let us know what you like or dislike in your resume experience.

DonateHelp us help you

Happy with the service? Make a contribution to keep us alive.

If you have already made your donations for the month, please keep us in mind the next time around.

Thank you!Your donation is greatly appreciated.

CVlize Overview

Browser + Résumé = Browsermé
CVlize puts a completely different spin on the looks and feel of traditional résumés. It also adds some fun and a lot of personal touch to it.

No, it is not a webpage per se. Although it may look like one, we are somewhat tyring to keep it traditional as well. HTML is just a cool format to use. Not to mention the tremendious presentation opportunities that open up. Plus, nowadays, everybody has a browser, and on any device, so why not take advantege of that?

We urge you to read through the rest of the sections as well. They are not too long and will give you a fresh idea on how to get the most out of your experience. Here are some highlights on the service.

  • Completely free of charge - if you like the service, please help keep it up by making a donation
  • Personal information security - none of the information you enter while filling out the templates is being sent to the server or retained by us in any way. It all strictly remains on your device until you refresh or close the page (some browsers may retain information within their cache, but that is completely up to your browser settings)
  • Immediate full access to all features and templates, no restrictions or hidden fees
  • Template personalization control over the appearance of your resume
  • Easy to update your existing browsermé thanks to a quick, no-fuss import functionality
  • Professional looking and cretive templates to make your skills stick out

CVlize Notes to Users

For optimum experience, please use CVlize as per below prescription:

  • The code has been tested in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. It should work well with other browsers too, but we had no chance to test that yet. It is on the to-do list though.
  • You can either 1) print your browsermé when happy with it, or 2) save it as an HTML file (and spread as is, or print later). We recommand using Chrome for printing as it performs best and has the most-user friendly print experience with our service.
  • If using Chrome, you can also create a regular resume by saving your browsermé as a PDF file. Instructions on how to do that can be found within each template.

CVlize Weighing Table

Certainly everything comes at a price. No, you still do not have to pay anything to create your browsermé, but there are a few things you would need to get by without (at least for now, see next section for details).

  • Currently, mobile version for the template pages exists only within the system, but not the final resume output file. Some enhancements in design for different screen resolutions and sizes are in order as well. Scalability is somewhat of a problem as well since unfortunately different browsers implement zooming (both in and out) in different manners.
  • No data retention, i.e. if you close or refresh the page, you will need to start filling out the information anew. Or, if you want to come back in a while and get another resume, you will need to fill out a template once more.
  • The service might not be working as intended with all browsers. As mentioned it has been tested on IE, Firefox and Chrome. We are constantly trying to improve compatibility.
  • When choosing a font for your texts, do be aware that once you export to an HTML file you would be fully reliant on what fonts are installed on the viewer's device. Currently there is no way that we know of to fix that. We will keep looking though.
  • When using images, please optimize them accordingly or the file size might get quite big.

Please share your feedback with us at any time, so please use our feedback form to get in touch in case you spot possible bugs in performance (or, for that matter, want to send us a kind word or two).

CVlize Future Goals

We are excited about your support and would like to improve to get even more of it. Here are some changes and challenges we intend to implement on our mutual path to excellence. Please use our feedback form or email to share your views, expectations, evaluations and ideas with us. We would gladly listen to you.

Our intents and purposes are:

  • The new import functionality is now a fact. No longer is it the case that you need to fill out everything all over again. Simply go to the template page of your browsermé and use the import functionality.

    Would you like us to look into account creation, so that you can store and update your browsermé online? Please share your feedback with us.

  • Better image support and image control. Please bear with us, we do have some cool ideas.
  • Vaster and improved personalization options for increased control.
  • More browsermé templates (because one can never have enough options).

CVlize Get in Touch Reasons

Not that you should ever need a reason to speak or write to us. If you happen to have specific needs though, such as create a template as per your liking, or a personal, one-of-a-kind browsermé just for you (or even a web page or website), reach out to us and we will try and help you. Looking forward to hearing from you!

CVlize Brief Tutorial

Getting your resume done using CVlize is fairly simple. There really isn't much to it as it was designed with simplicity and convenience in mind.

  1. Click the "Get CVlized" button and choose a resume template
  2. On the template page, follow the 3 simple steps
  3. And you are ready to go

Step1 - Filling out your details

When filling out your details, feel free to skip any of the requested information. None of the fields is required. For optimal use of the chosen template, we do recommand you to complete all fields.

You can add or delete added sections at a whim with a simple click of a button. The form fields will all remain filled out for you so that you can make corrections at any time. Until you close or refresh the page, that is.

Step 2 - Customizing the template

The personalizaiton panel is devided into several sections based on the type of change. Browse the panels to see the available options.

Some of the panels will require you to first pick an element/elements to be personalized. To do that, simply open the personalization panel and click on the item you want to personalize. A pinkish glow will apear around it to confirm the element has been selected. You can pick only 1, or several elements at a time. To de-select, click on that item again or use the "Close" button to close the panel overall.

Step 3 - Saving/printing

Print your resume in a format of your choice, or save it as a browsermé (we recommand the latter as it will allow you to make a print out at any time). PDF file is also an option if you are a Google Chrome user. Instructions can be found within each template.

Need to boost your initially created browsermé?

Simply go to the existing template page of you browsermé and use the import button. That will display your browsermé and you can go ahead an update both the information in it and the visuals.